There were multiple paths in every level, each of which led to a very different route to the boss. What made Metal Slug so unique was not the game genre, but the quirks added in by the people at SNK. From there, you proceed to blow the crap out of soldiers, tanks, enormous killer robots, giant fighter jets, and anything else dumb enough to cross your path. The game begins by picking one of four soldiers - traditionally, the lineup has been Marco, Fio, Tarma, and Eri. Then the game was released, and everyone saw that maybe, there was hope for the Metal Slug series.įor those of you who lived a deprived childhood and never visited an arcade, Metal Slug plays like many games you have heard of: Contra or Megaman. For the first few months after the initial announcement, many fans believed there was no way it could fail anywhere near as badly as Metal Slug 4, 5, or Metal Slug 3D (an abortion of an attempt to translate Metal Slug into a 3D rail shooter that was thankfully never released stateside).

Metal Slug 6 is the first Metal Slug game to be released by Sammy. Finally, Metal Slug got sold to Sammy in a final desperate bid by Playmore's executives to sell their ailing company, which had only ever developed for a system that would no longer exist. MSlug4 was a horrible excuse for a Metal Slug game, replacing half the character lineup and adding in tons of poorly-executed extras. They released Metal Slug 4 and Metal Slug 5. Then there was Playmore, the company that bought out SNK.

Most fans will tell you those were the best ones. First, there was SNK, which made the first three Metal Slugs. Metal Slug has survived for over ten years and three different owners. From Metal Slug 1, which was one of the opening titles for the Neo-Geo arcade hardware, to Metal Slug 5, which was one of the final titles for the dying Geo, Metal Slug has always been associated with the classic arcade feel of having to spend two thirds of your pocket money attempting to finish it. Metal Slug has had a prominent position in the history of arcade gaming over the last ten years. "Metal Slug has had a prominent position in the history of arcade gaming over the last ten years.